Opera tarayıcınız yahut opera hesabınızla ilgili takıldığınız konular var ise Opera Help adresi size yardımcı olacaktır.Sitedeki ilgili başlıklar aşağıdaki gibidir.
My Opera community
- What is My Opera and who is running it?
- Rules and guidelines.
- Where to find more help.
- Where to report bugs/spam/abuse.
Log in / Sign up
- I can't log in.
- I signed up but did not receive an activation e-mail.
- My activation code didn't work.
- I've lost my password.
My Blog
- I want to start a blog.
- I want an introduction to all my posts.
- Privacy settings.
- I want to change the design of my blog.
- I want to add a YouTube / music player to a blog post.
- I want to add/remove a sidebar on my blog.
- Why does not my blog appear on search engines?
My Profile
- I want to edit my profile.
- How do I change my status?
- How can I change my password?
- I need to change my email address.
- I want to change my profile- and avatar picture.
- I want a forum signature.
- I want to change my username.
- How can I delete my account?
- What is the maximum size of a file I can upload?
- I don't want to be your friend!
- How do I delete/edit posts in groups I'm moderating?